Amaldi session on LISA Scott Hughes - LISA science - LISA accuracy comparable to moon, but 50x Hubble deep field --- Dan Holz - standard sirens and cosmology - Cosmology: all about getting distances - SMBH: position determination to tens of arcsecs; luminosity distance to 1% - But need a redshift from some EM counterpart; ~ 10 galaxies/arcmin^2 for host galaxies - Errorbox should narrow down with additional inspiral information - Also, use rough knowledge of cosmology to narrow down redshift; use galaxies that are morphologically promising - Or: calculate distance to all possible hosts, and demand concordance across multiple sources - Or: use statistical knowledge of source population - But best hope: look for something to go bang - Having counterparts improves determination of other parameters from GW - COULD USE IN A CHALLENGE: GIVE POSITION, ORACLE YIELDS HOST GALAXY WITH EXACT POSITION - Lensing: affects luminosity distances significantly. How to undo it? - Direct lens reconstruction; identify luminous objects along source direction - But matter is mostly dark - Build corrective lenses; but even good ones are smooth, and do a poor job of correcting for amplification - But lensing effects average away when added; 100 LISA sources compare to 3000 SNAP SNe for w and Omega_m determination (with different ellipse orientations) --- Ulrich Johann - European LISA Mission industrial formulation study --- Tuck Stebbins - U.S. LISA formulation and technology development --- Chris Van Den Broeck - Higher harmonics help LISA - Increase the mass reach - Greatly improve parameter estimation --- Stefano Vitale - LISA Pathfinder status report - LIGO requires more stringent displacement-error control than LISA; but LISA requires more stringent acceleration errors - test-mass noise: surface (electrostatics, EM, thermal), volume (magnetics, gravitational), reference frame (spacecraft coupling, crosstalk) - surface noises can be investigated on the ground; inertial sensor defines immediate environment of test mass --- Bernard Schutz - SMBH position determination with LISA - standard sirens require EM counterpart determination - early estimations used simple 2-arm Michelson - now have TDI, spin precession - and PN amplitude corrections: higher SNR, bigger modulation and phase delay - usually do Fisher-matrix approach, accurate for high SNR - examine alternative null-stream locator - introduced by Gursel and Tinto, studied by Schutz and Wen - new null-stream locator - define signal basis on 3 TDI streams - for any vector, components ep, ec, eperp (perpendicular component = null stream) - if polarization is known, another null stream exists - information seems different from Fisher-matrix - study localization with higher harmonics - don't get same improvements as other groups --- Alberto Vecchio - two MLDC2 efforts - determine number and parameters of stellar-mass compact objects - determine whether or not the stochastic signal contains a contribution due to GWs - new: reversible-jump Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo; Bayesian analysis for stochastic signals - compute posterior density for number of sources, source parameters, and noise - 18 sources in window 2 vs. 3 sources (but don't need to recover all of them) - problems determining (non)recovered sources - do Bayesian stochastic-signal determination - have two channels (one null), estimate also noise variances and correlation - very nice! - use information about relative levels of noise