Daniel Eisenstein - Observing dark energy - dark matter: required by motion of matter on the scales of galaxies and galaxy clusters - such matter seems to be of exotic form - can be seen with gravitational lensing - accelerating/decelerating universe - size of universe vs. time - very hard to measure distance in astronomy - standard candles: SNIa (luminosities vary by x2-3, but correlate with time to brightening) - high-redshift SNs too faint indicate accelerating universe - SN constraints force Omega_lambda/Omega_matter away from 0/1 critical densities (Einstein-De Sitter) - concordance cosmology: 73% dark energy, 23% cold dark matter, 4% standard matter - is this true? farther SN could be fainter for other reasons, but: - stronger SN - CMB acoustic scale + arguments for low matter density - other evidence - supernova systematics - observational biases are 1-2% - no spectral evolution across redshift - deceleration argues against dust extinction, etc. - acoustic oscillations in CMB - preferred scale at 1 degree - before recombination: ionized universe, photons provide restoring radiation pressure, perturbations oscillate as acoustic waves - recombination: z ~ 1000, t = 400,000 yrs (?) - after recombination: photons travel freely, phase of oscillation a t_rec affect late time amplitude - acoustic peaks result from preferred physical scale (distance sound waves could travel before recombination) - evidence for low Omega_matter - relative sizes of acoustic peaks - cluster baryon fractions - galaxy clusters trap gas and dark matter at the cosmic fraction - gas observed in X rays - measure gas mass and dark matter from pressure balance - abundances of clusters - galaxy-galaxy weak lensing - cosmic shear weak lensing - integrated Sachs-Wolfe effects - CMB temperature correlations with galaxies at z < 1, due to gravitational redshifting - age of the universe - large-scale structure - clustering of matter at low redshift - ... - evidence for acceleration - to avoid dark energy or something bizarre: - need Omega_matter = 1 with horrible errors in SNe and large-scale structure - or need Omega_matter = 0.25 with curvature and rewriting of CMB acoustic scale - cause: cosmological constant, low-mass fields (quintessence), modified gravity, extra dimensions... all are exotic and not compelling - equation of state w(z) = p/rho; w = -1 for cosmological constant - change of w is important, rather than rho_DE - but aside from w = -1, constant value is not a physical model - difficult to measure: need 1% distances - prospects for dark energy - make precision measurements of scale factor - dark energy task force: SN, baryon acoustic oscillations, weak lensing - SN: much data coming, but almost systematics limited - baryon acoustic oscillations: large survey volumes required, good for z > 1 - weak lensing: several surveys starting, rich data set, but large systematics - make precision measurements of growth of clustering - weak lensing, galaxy cluster abundances - galaxy clusters: mass estimation problematic - portfolio of comparable techniques, but with different systematics - conclusions - acceleration demonstrated - current data consistent with CDM cosmology - but constraints on DE EOS are not strong - strong portfolio of opportunities