=== Emma Robinson - searches for stochastic backgrounds === - astrophysical and cosmological stochastic backgrounds - can form noise-orthogonal TDI observables; but the all-sky overlap reduction function is zero - construct TDI variable T (GW response highly suppressed) - use T to discriminate the GWs in A and E - assume exact suppression in T - Bayesian analysis applied to MLDC 2.1 data - variance variables - to do in 3.5 === N. Kanda - Numerical trial of cleaning of gravitational wave foreground from neutron star binaries in DECIGO === - 10^4-6 binary mergers in DECIGO: confusion noise around 0.1 Hz - binary detection will reach a few Gpc - huge number of templates needed for signal identification - simulated DECIGO noise and NS-NS foreground - "tagging": using tails of binaries - subtraction: a priori identification + errors on parameters - 700 Mpc cleaning removes 30% of spectrum (900 Mpc -> 60%) === Antoine Petiteau - Searching for spinning supermassive black hole binaries using a genetic algorithm === - Genetic algorithm: initial state -> selection -> breeding -> mutation -> repeat - Genes = parameters; organism = waveform; quality = maximized likelihood - Roulette selection (probability proportional to quality) of two breeders - Mix genes of parents - Change few bits with probability mutation rate - Acceleration processes - Elitism (cloning) - Simulated annealing - Evolution of PMR - Works well for nonspinning SMBH binaries and multiple sources === Ed Porter - Searching for spinning SMBHs in the 3rd Mock LISA Data Challenge === - parallel tempering - have successfully detected all sources in the traning data sets - need to improve parameter estimation